We had to wait a little bit for our driver at the
reception. Our driver picked us up around 9:00am. The data has a lot
interference and we decided to move the sensor to another location, which I did
it with the help of the local people. Of course, the massive rain was continue
pouring on my body, making me to look like a mouse just getting out of its flooded winter home. However, the
new site is by far the worst, and we decided to move it back to the previous
location with one big promise from the director general. He agreed to close the
pedestrian way and protect that area for various instrument installation
purpose. Then we started permanent installation process and aligned the sensor, we put the GPS antenna in
place. We accomplished most of the tasks today.
Ok! this will be the home for the sensor, start digging!
Layout the cable and put the sensor in a right position, vertical!!
Due to the language barrier, the sensor alignment was a bit hard. Kathryn and I communicated with cell phone and I was not allowed to have cell phone while I'm aligning the censor! you can imagine what kind of back and forth shuttling we had to get perfect alignment! any way, finally we made it; smiley face with the sensor!
The GPS antenna got in place!
Bingo! the sensor got aligned, GPS antenna connected. One more thing remain, the IP address for data exchange! (picture shows me and Dr Bamba, our contact point in Conakry)!
Tomorrow will be a big day for us, because we were told that
we gonna meet H. E. the minister of higher education and his stuff. Let's wait and see what will
happen, goodnight for today!!
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