Remember that I mentioned yesterday that I was waiting my flight back
home? Well, here I'm now sitting in the VIP lounge of Lima airport in
Peru. Peru? what a hell am I doing here? Just to make the long story
short, our flight from Santiago was on time and we boarded and started
our journey and flew about 3hrs. The pilot announced that he experienced
electrical problem and he has to make emergency landing in Lima, Peru.
When we landed safely, thanks to God, we were greeted by many fire
tracks and police cars. After we landed, we were told to stay in our
seat and we did for almost an hour, and the pilot again announced that
the plane is out of service so we had to exit. They took us to the
building by bus and we sat there and wait for their announcement,
finally we were told to exit the airport and come back to the counter
and recheck our flight with the available flights. At the end I got a
seat on another airline, which is Lan airline that will be departed at
9:10am and arrive in MIA at 2:30pm. I'll catch another flight to BOS at
5:00pm and arrive in Boston at 9:00pm. Interesting incident, right? The
good news is that everybody landed safely!! I'm now siting inside the
VIP lounge of Lima airport and blogging the story. Cross your finger for
me to have uninterrupted and safe flight.
O! gush! finally I made it to my home safely.
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