Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 4 (4 February 2015) in Belem, Brazil

Today is the crucial day for us. Before, we go to the site, Acacio suggested to go and see the deputy general director, who gave us permission to start the installation while the permission process is underway. We went to the Botanica, and since we arrived early, she was not at her office yet and we decided to go to the site. On our way to the site, we bought a few materials required for installation. We went to Flavio’s office, and sadly told me we had to freeze the installation process which makes me muted and disappointed. Then he picked up his phone and called the director general, which fortunately got him online and explained the situation in detailed. He finally authorized the installation process. We then rushed to the site and continued our pending work. I have to say, the admin and service people are exceptionally helpful. They provided everything we requested right away. We successfully completed the installation process. One more thing left still unresolved; the connection issue. Guess what the problem this time is not from this end but from US side, we are blocked not to push data. Our engineers (at UCLA and BC) are working on it, and hopefully they will have a solution for me when I wake up tomorrow. At the end, we were told that INPE branch director wants to see us. We went there and she generously provided us a moral support and gave us INPE souvenir. On behalf of AMBER team I thank the director so much for everything.     
 The INPE branch director in Belem gave me souvenir!
With INPE Belem branch director and Flavio (the negotiator)
 At Doca brewery company!
  Celebrating with beer!
But now we have a lot to celebrate. Acacio, Flavio and myself went to the Doca. This is a place that used to be port at the shore of Atlantic Ocean, but now it is changed to a romantic and homemade brewery site. We went there for the beer and have dinner and celebrate the successful winning of the obstacles to AMBER mag in place. We had a wonderful evening. 
Tomorrow, ya! Tomorrow, we are hoping to solve the connection issue. Let’s hop big.

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