Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 5 (5 February 2015) in Belem, Brazil

We did a lot today. We bought the tube and other necessary accessories to cover the cable just outside the building. The mag is recording data but it is not yet transferring to BC. Crhistian, the IT person, is exceptionally helpful guy. He tried everything he could to get the data flow possible. It sounds that UCLA network is blocking us somewhere, which we do not understand it yet. I made a bold request to Crhistian, which is to give me a dedicated IP address and open the firewall for it so the Matt can ssh data from BC. He happily agreed to do that. We took the beagleboard to the IT department to test it with dedicated IP address and see if Matt can see it, which he successfully did. The next step is to connect the port at the room, where the mag is located, with a dedicated IP address. Unfortunately, the guy who does the VLAN configuration was not available today and he will be back on Tuesday. So, we have to wait until then. The good news is once the VLAN configuration is done, we can ssh the data the bad news is we’ll not get real-time update on our website unless UCLA solve the mysterious problem. 
The sensor in-place and protected!
 The GPS antenna is in-place
Electronics stored inside a rack! With Crhistian (the IT guy) very helpful person!
Now, I’m on the plane heading to Petrolina to deploy the second AMBER in Brazil. The good news there will not be similar bureaucracy, the permission is already approved. However, unless miracle happens, I’m expecting similar connection problem. But let’s see if that happened.
 Now boarding my connection flight around midnight!
 Inside the plane, we are searching our seat!
Arrived at Petrolina airport (3:00am) 
We safely arrived in Petrolina around 3:00AM local time. We rented a car and start driving to my hotel. The GPS took us some where instead of my hotel, wa! GPS! Then! Then! I don't think I need to write it on public blog, but I can say this; 'The almighty God saved us!!' Lucky us, no harm occurred, and we finally got into our hotel. Lesson! don't ask stranger during the local time I'm talking about.

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